







Many people ask why Jesus Christ came to earth. They get different explanations from different people, but mostly they do not get the real reason that made God to send His only begotten Son to the world as the last resort.

There is an African proverb that says, “a man who does not know where the rain began to beat him cannot say where he dried his body!” Therefore, to better understand how we got ourselves to this deep state of sin, let us retrace back our steps to where this rain of sin started beating us.

From the Bible Verse below we see how man was banished from the unconditional God’s Grace and Providence to conditional providence. “Then the Lord God said: See! The man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil! Now, what if he also reaches out his hand to take fruit from the tree of life, and eats of it and lives forever? The Lord God, therefore, banished him from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he had been taken. He expelled the man, stationing the cherubim and the fiery revolving sword east of the garden of Eden, to guard the way to the tree of life.

Satan was the genesis of man’s misery. After being banished by God from the Heavenly Kingdom, he set forth in quest to build his earthly kingdom whose characteristics are the exact opposite of what is practised in God’s Kingdom. The bone of contention now between God and Satan is who will praised and glorified more than the other. But don’t forget that the whole world is a creation of God, but Satan, still a creation of God, works entirely on earth and its contents. So, after God created Adam and Eve, Satan had his chance to divert man’s attention, faithfulness and obedience from God to himself. So using the serpent, he managed to remove man from the Grace of God and man was banished from the Garden of Eden, which we can equate to the Kingdom of Heaven, where the Tree of Life is found. You know, God created us in His own image. Before He creates us He already knows for what reason He is creating us. He knows the exact tasks we will perform right from when we are born until death. No one is created by God without a purpose. When God creates us and places us on earth, He expects us to work as per our talents. We are then required to exploit and utilize our talents and on the process serve, praise and glorify God.

So it means we initially come from God, then He places us on earth to accomplish a particular task. Then once we accomplish that, He wishes that we go back to Him on the last day in glory.

Therefore Jesus, from His many teachings, was sent to make sure that while we are here on earth we don’t get trapped by Satan and end up in the fiery Gehennah. Jesus wants us to return to Heaven our original home. Jesus tells us that we fall into sin when we exploit our talents and fail to attribute our success to God. When we become successful, we start worshipping money, social status and earthly power. We forget that all that is in this earth belong to God and only Him we should give glory to.

What does Jesus Mean? He means that when you get money, praise and glorify God. Don’t praise money and an earthly king and forget God because that is sin.

Jesus also says that God gives you money to enable you to serve Him better. But we human beings pray to God to give us money but after we get it we forget God and start worshipping money. That is the one reason Jesus told the rich young man that it is easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven.