January 10, 2021 Feast of the Lord’s Baptism
Our baptism and the renewal of our baptismal promises today, should remind us of our continual need for new beginnings in our lives, of renewing our commitment continually to journeying with Christ in his evangelical and crucified life.
With his baptism, Jesus is identifying with our human sinful state, even though he was sinless, and he who is without sin will take away the sins of the world. But we to need ask and submit ourselves to Jesus. With his baptism, Jesus immerses himself once again into our world just as he did with his incarnation thirty years previously, and in liturgical terms, only a short time ago on Christmas Day. Today on our last day of the Christmas season, we once again see our God identifying with us, embracing our humanity, loving us and wanting all of us, yes all of humanity, to be part of the reign of God.
Now as John the Baptist disappears off the scene and Jesus comes into focus, we are reminded of how our own baptism eliminates our sinful past and begins our new live in Christ. Baptism is a new beginning for all of us, it’s a sharing in the life of God, God-With-Us. It’s so beautiful and powerful, that it’s sometimes hard for us to grasp how much God loves us and makes us his children.
Unfortunately many of us do not remember our Baptism or the new beginning it was meant to be to our lives and attitudes. That’s why, especially today we should remind ourselves about all that our baptism should mean to us. Only ten days ago we may have started a new beginning with our New Year’s resolution. How are we doing with these less than two weeks on? Today is a day to reflect on another new beginning in our lives, our baptismal calling, and recommit to it, like our New Year’s resolution, if we are not living up to it.
For Jesus, his baptism was a very important experience in him coming to know that he was beloved of God. It was the part of his journey, just as our baptism was the beginning of our journey as Christians. Our baptism offered us something greater than what John offered.
“Jesus, in submitting to John’s baptism, blessed the waters of baptism, and so our baptism is not just the cleansing of our sins, but of our incorporation into the body of Christ, making us children of God. Our baptism is the gateway sacrament to the other sacraments, and ultimately eternal life” (CCC 1213).

All of us as baptised Christians are called then to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News. We are, to borrow a phrase from our founders, to be zealots, to bring people to know they are beloved of the Father. Through the oil of Catechumen we received God’s strength to overcome adversity and especially evil. Water was poured on our heads to remind us of our cleansing and purification through the gift of the Holy Spirit, and we were anointed with Chrism to show that we are ‘Priest, Prophet and King’ and to live always ‘as a member of His body, sharing everlasting life’. By our Baptism we share in the mission of Jesus and we are asked, as mentioned already, to make ‘our own the attitudes, options and tasks that led Jesus to the point of having his heart transpierced on the cross’. What a challenge our Baptism should be! Renewing it today, are we ready to live it?